Jack Nicklaus: It’s all mental for Tiger

Associated Press
Updated: September 16, 2011

INCHEON, South Korea — Jack Nicklaus said Tiger Woods can still beat his record of 18 major championships — provided he can stay in control of his mental game… Click here to read on

I’ve had moments where I didn’t hit the ball very good coming in, and you’ve got to turn it around. That’s the whole idea of practicing and really working on being focused on what I’m doing and being committed to what I’m doing. I know what the fix is and I’ve proven it to myself, and it’s just a matter of going out there and executing it consistently over 72 holes.

~ Tiger Woods

Even at the age of five, [Tiger Woods] had the ability to hit ten perfect shots in a row. He’d stay in the present and hit a perfect drive, and then he’d hit a perfect second shot, and then a perfect putt. And then another perfect drive, and so on. Maybe he would miss one shot in there somewhere, but he then he would hit another series of perfect shots… Sure there are people on the PGA tour who can hit it as well as Tiger. But they don’t seem to do it over and over again. Tiger always stays in the present and he just makes few mistakes.

~ Rudy Duran

Note: Rudy Duran was Tiger Woods’ first professional swing coach.